
Businesses or companies are generally established with the objective of maximizing profits. This often causes businesses to act arbitrarily against society and the environment.

over the past few decades This type of business practice has been widely criticized by society, and for this reason, it is imperative for companies to implement this program. social responsibility (CSR) and new words emerging in the business world, including society.

Definition of Sociopreneur

Sociopreneur is a term used to refer to business people or entrepreneurs who not only set up companies for the purpose of making a profit. but also contributes to society and the environment. Sociopreneur is a collective term. society or society and Prener (which is a fraction operator).

According to research conducted by UN-ESCAP and the British Council in 2018, there are currently three sectors that are of interest to young Indonesian social workers. The three sectors are education, fisheries and agriculture. and creative industries. However, social entrepreneurs are not the only contributors to this field.

social example

1. We can

Did you know that Indonesia is the most hospitable country in the world? This is quoted from the news page. rhythm WHO reported that Indonesia was once again voted the most generous country by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in 2022.

This should come as no surprise. Considering that Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims. And this religion asks its followers to be diligent in giving alms. Pay Zakat and Infa and willing to donate some of their possessions

Kitabisa is an application and website used to donate money from Indonesian citizens regardless of their religion and intentions. This website was developed by M. Alfatih Timur in 2013.

The existence of this application and website allows the donor to select a donation institution and select a donation recipient at the same time. Donate recipients can freely create donation campaigns in this application to earn additional money to meet their needs.

2. See Anyam

Du’anyam is a basketry handicraft center developed in 2014 to help women in Flores earn more.

The founders therefore offered a solution in the form of an additional source of income by employing women. This is because research indicates that the income a woman earns tends to improve overall family nutrition.

3. Grameen Bank

One example of global social entrepreneurship is the microfinance project founded by Nobel laureate from Bangladesh Prof. Muhammad Yunus. Poor without interest and collateral

That’s it, Prof. Muhammad Yunus designed this loan project with a group system. In this system, members will not be able to apply for a loan if other members who previously borrowed have not paid their debts. As a result, people will be responsible for putting their money into business and paying off their debts at the bank.

Established in 1976, Grameen Bank serves more than 10 million borrowers, mostly women. The company employs more than 20,000 people in 2,568 branches across Bangladesh.

Characteristics of Sociology

1. Not just selling products but it also provides value.

Sociologists will not only sell products. but also presents human values ​​and the environment he wants to create. This doesn’t mean they are not seeking profit or sales. But it’s just that profit is not the primary focus of welfare.

Instead of focusing on increasing profits Social workers are focused on the impact they will have on society and the environment. In the Duanyam example above, Duanyam products remain innovative and creative and can be purchased online while presenting the independent values ​​of the Flores woman. they promote

2. have a broad vision

in general Sociologists will not stop dreaming once the company is already profitable (profitable), because one of their focus is to make an impact. society Always want a wider range of people to enjoy the effects of the business.

3. Innovation

It is not uncommon to have a positive effect on society. Sociology requires creativity and innovation, for example Grameen Bank above. The problem the bank solves is a system that makes it difficult for the poor to obtain suitable loans.

Banks generally ask customers for collateral if they want to borrow. Poor people certainly don’t have such collateral. On the other hand, borrowing from high-interest money lenders can have long-term effects.

One of the innovations created by Grameen Bank is the above group credit system. Poor people can still apply for credit.

Benefits of Sociopreneur for Society

1. Improving community welfare

by opening a social business You can directly help improve people’s welfare. At least with these companies. You can increase employment and reduce unemployment.

An example is a Grameen Bank client named Mosammat Taslima Begum. Mosammat first borrowed US$20 from the bank in 1992 and then took out another loan to buy 3 goats. In 2006 he had a successful mango farm.

2. Save the environment

Many social businesses also focus on preserving the environment through good and correct waste management. Inorganic waste from communities and suppliers is collected for processing or recycling. Thus, the amount of waste accumulated at the final disposal site (TPA) can be reduced and environmental pollution is minimized.

3. spread kindness

By being a social worker, you are also sharing your kindness with society and the environment. Rarely, your good deeds will not only affect others, but you will also benefit others. But it also affects yourself.

Kindness is also often contagious. For example, you help your child with a scholarship. It is possible that the child, when he becomes an adult, will also give his scholarship to others, because he remembers your service.

Difference Between Sociopreneur and Entrepreneur

Although both are businessmen. But fellow socialites have different approaches to doing business. operator.

One main focus operator is to make profitable products without considering the social and environmental impact. meanwhile A social worker’s main focus is to benefit the wider community. Therefore, the products produced are often unique and have social value.

Even so, it means nothing. Entrepreneurship is a bad thing Which is considering that there are many more benefits to society, such as setting up a foundation to manage the company’s CSR fund


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