
Cases of online fraud have been increasing in recent times, especially since the average victim is very, very named. This is why many victims look for ways to report fraudulent accounts to get their money back. The goal is to deter offenders. but unfortunately Please note that when you report an offender The funds are non-refundable and only the account is blocked.

frozen and blacklist Fraudulent accounts are effective enough that the bank account can no longer be used for any transactions. You do not need to panic. Here’s how to report fraudulent accounts when transacting digitally!

1. Reporting to the Bank

The first way to report a fraudulent account is to report it to the relevant bank that created the account for the fraud. For example, if the offender’s bank account is from BCA, you must contact BCA to suspend the account. This is the best way to prevent the offender from using his account in the future.

How to block fake account numbers can be done through the bank by bringing files such as police missing reports as well as the order of events and evidence (chat, send message transfer proof etc.) in print format Here’s how to do it

  • Prepare the necessary files including tangible evidence of fraud (proof of transfer chat, or SMS), the sequence of events, the loss notice issued by the police
  • come to the relevant bank office to report Take the queue number and wait to be called. Customer service.
  • send file to customer service. Tell in detail about the incident
  • Submit the scammer’s account number and mobile phone number.
  • in addition, customer service will suspend the offender’s account It will then attempt to contact the perpetrator.
  • Unfortunately, after normal events, cheaters are difficult to contact. Then the account blocking process is complete. The suspect will no longer be able to use this account.

2. Report to the police station

besides the bank The method of reporting fake accounts can also be reported through the police station. Before deciding to file a complaint with the police, first prepare files in the form of evidence, screenshots, proof of transactions, fake account numbers. link Stores and more that support additional checks.

Investigating such incidents by the police can take a long time. However, if you suffer losses of up to tens of millions of rupiah Cases like this must be filed and filed with the police, which really already quite effective Here’s how

  • Bring all supporting evidence for review, such as proof of transaction, screenshots, offender’s account number, and so on.
  • Come to the nearest police station with complete evidence. Having witnesses is very helpful as it can be done faster as it strengthens the complaint.
  • After arriving at the police station You will be taken to the SPKT (Integrated Police Service Center) showing all the evidence you brought to the officers there.
  • The police will ask a number of questions about the evidence submitted. Then ask you and the witness (if there is a witness) to describe the sequence of events in detail.
  • The report will be processed by the police. Wait for further notifications about online fraud cases.

3. Reporting to the lapor.go.id website

How to block a fraudulent account number can be done online. So you don’t have to worry about going to the bank or the police office. This alternative is quite effective. Especially if the victim doesn’t have enough time to go back and forth in both places due to his busy schedule.

The website in question is lapor.go.id Or in other words, it’s a place for online complaints. Complaining through the website is very easy. Just enter the link and go to reporting. Here is the procedure for all online complaints at lapor.go.id.

  • Open the lapor.go.id website through a browser. You will then be taken to the main page. On that page, an e-form will appear containing several information that must be filled out. This includes the report classification, title, content, or chronology. the date of the incident scene destination agency and report categories
  • Fill out the information completely and accurately according to the original event.
  • Upload attachments that provide concrete evidence when the incident occurs.
  • Click the report button! red.
  • Wait 3 days for the review process. The next follow-up and response will take approximately 2 weeks.
  • finished.

4. Report to website Cekrekening.id

How to block fraudulent accounts online is also recommended through the website. Cekrekening.id Managed by Kominfo on the Cekrekening.id site. You can not only complain. But you can also check the list of scammers’ accounts and register your own to avoid unwanted ones. The process is free and fast as it does not require a police letter to be attached. As long as the evidence is very strong

via Cekrekening.id You can generate a report if you have been deceived by a fraudulent investment. Drug and Drug Transactions Fraudulent market transactions and more. Learn how to report a fraudulent account through the website. Cekrekening.id following!

  • Open the site Cekrekening.id. In the browser, there are three menus to choose from: Verify Account, Register Account. and report accounts
  • Select the Account Reports menu. Then click Report Now!
  • Complain by entering the fraudster’s account number and the bank account they use.
  • Follow the next process step. which is to fill in the reported biodata and the reported biodata.
  • Be sure to complete the chronology and upload the chronological evidence.
  • Wait for the verification process to complete. Fraudulent account numbers will be blocked.

5. Reporting to the website kredibel.co.id

File a transaction fraud complaint to credible.co.id It can also be used as a way to block online fraudsters’ account numbers. But they also check other people’s accounts to see if they’ve been exposed to the case.

Many people use the website kredibel.co.id to report online shopping fraud Because the process is quick and easy. Here are the steps for reporting and how to block fraudulent account numbers via: kredibel.co.id

  • access website kredibel.co.id in the browser Then when you get to the main page (Home page), do slip Scroll down and find two service options: ‘I want to verify the seller’s account’ and ‘I want to report fraud’.
  • Select ‘I want to report fraud’ if you wish to make a complaint. Click Register to register your account first. You can click Login if you already have an account.
  • Next, fill out the form provided based on the information and chronology of the original event. along with supporting evidence supporting the report.
  • Submit a report, pending completion and confirmation.
  • finished.

6. Reporting to OJK (Financial Services Authority)

A way to report fraudulent accounts when transacting digitally can be done through the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Victims can file a complaint to block offenders’ accounts through OJK.

You can email complaints to [email protected] Alternatively, call 1-500-655 or 157. Be sure to include supporting evidence when reporting the complaint. This way, OJK will follow up on your complaint and suspend the offender’s account.

When you are the victim In addition to reporting You should also publish the fraudster’s account number and contact information on social media. The goal is for many people to be more aware and careful when transacting with this number.

Be more careful when transacting on the Internet. especially with new people if in doubt Try verifying that person’s account before making a transaction. Whether it’s safe or has been involved in a fraud case before?


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