
In the latest update, Microsoft on Thursday announced a number of new features including their plans to add chat historyshare social media and others.

From a number of announcements that were presented, Microsoft revealed that they have now started testing a new feature on Bing Chat, where this feature will be available in creative mode and is intended to make the user’s chat experience even better.

We’ve made improvements in support for rich formatting in answers. You should see better and more consistent use of bolding, bulleted lists, and tables when in Creative mode. 

As in the image above, this new feature is an improvement on formatting answers from Bing Chat in Creative mode, where answers are made better with bold, bulleted list and tables which of course will make it easier for users to digest the information provided there.

In addition, now the Image Creator has also received an increase multi language support, where there are 100 languages ​​that are now supported.

Now of all the improvements that are present, of course this is a step that has been planned by Microsoft to continue to improve Bing Chat so that it can work even better, in the future there might be other interesting things that will be present at this service.

What do you think? comment below guys.

via: Microsoft


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