
Windows Terminal is automatically part of Windows 11 by default, where Windows Terminal is also the default terminal apps, where ever command prompt or windows powershell we open, then both will automatically open via Windows Terminal.

Now regarding Windows Terminal, did you know that in Windows Terminal Preview 1.17 which Microsoft has released a while ago, there are a number of improvements presented, which include Mica support by adding settings useMica Becomes true in files settings. json.

With this support, of course the appearance of Windows Terminal will be more intuitive and it will be more interesting if it is combined with the appearance of Windows 11, apart from that friends, in this version too, we can use the ability to restart process which of course this will be very useful for the developers.

Now for the complete changelog of Windows Terminal Preview 1.17, you can see it on the GitHub page followingand because this is a preview version, of course to get it you have to re-download this preview version via the Microsoft Store page followingor you can download it from the GitHub page following.


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