
Still remember Patch Tuesday KB5021233 Causes Bluecreen in Windows 10where this issue occurs on users with Windows 10 21H1, 21H2 and 22H2, where this occurs due to an incompatibility between HIDPARSE file (hidparse.sys) in two different directories.

“After installing KB5021233, there may be a mismatch between the versions of the hidparse.sys file in c:/windows/system32 and c:/windows/system32/drivers (assuming Windows is installed to your C: drive), which may cause signature validation to fail on cleanup happen.said Microsoft.

Now regarding this problem, do you know it turns out to be deep January 2023 Cumulative Update For Windows 10Microsoft has fixed the problem, which is also confirmed by Microsoft on the Windows 10 Health Dashboard page which you can see on the page following.

Well with that even though previously Microsoft provided a settlement step temporary, but now if you encounter this problem, where your device may bluescreen after installing the KB5021233 update, you can simply update your system with the KB5022282 update released by Microsoft this month.

You can jump directly to the page Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for updates, then just download the KB5022282 update available there.

via: Microsoft


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