
One week ago Microsoft released Windows Subsystem For Linux in the Microsoft Store, which this version does not carry Preview labels inside it. For its own version, it has now entered version 1.0.0 which is more stable than before.

Now for those who don’t know, it’s been almost a year since Microsoft brought Windows Subsystem for Linux to the Microsoft Store, which time was even Microsoft reminds users that WSL is available in the Microsoft Storebut at that time the version that was presented was still the Preview version which was still being tested and refined.

In this 1.0.0 version, not much has changed compared to the previous version, but keep in mind that installing WSL via the Microsoft Store has more advantages, which include faster updates, error printing better, WSLg and WSL packaged in one package, and the ability to select systemd supportAnd many others.

For those of you who want to try installing WSL via the Microsoft Store, you can just go to the Microsoft Store page following.

via: GitHub


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