Thursday, April 25, 2024
Recently Microsoft has announced the presence of a new discord channel related to the...
In early May 2023 it was reported that You Can Vote for Your Favorite...
Previously reported that the weather application (weather) in Windows 11 turns out to present...
In March 2023, the developers were able to enroll in the 2023 Microsoft Store...
Simultaneously with the release Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25300Microsoft also introduced a new...
Month August 2022 then, Microsoft introduced a program called Microsoft Store Ads, where this...
After Microsoft announced in 2022 that it would start integrating iCloud with the Photos...
Just like the Google Play Store on Android and the App Store on Apple...
One week ago Microsoft released Windows Subsystem For Linux in the Microsoft Store, which...
Several changes appear to have been made by Microsoft again through Build 25247, apart...