Saturday, April 27, 2024
Did you know that the trading and investing system you are using today uses three sciences at once? Firstly, economics is the basis for the theory of supply and demand. Second, mathematics and statistics are tools for...
One way to buy stocks when they are still cheap is to Buying shares when newly acquired Initial public offering (IPO)However, buying IPO shares is quite risky. The reason for this is that we are not...
In the past few years, the word personal position There is quite a lot of discussion in the Indonesian capital market. The reason is the Slim Group. which is one of the largest conglomerates in this...
Investing is the activity of sacrificing current resources or assets for future profits. One of the advantages of investing through digital platforms today is the potential for investors to invest directly or indirectly. This can happen because...
investment is Activities of sacrificing resources (resources) that exist today for future benefits. Investments are not currently solely in the form of skills or assets. but also invest in financial assets using digital investments. What...
Stocks are commonly known as investment instruments that are suitable for the long term. Long term means investing at least 3 years. The reason is that stock prices tend to fluctuate greatly in the short term. ...
One of the keys to trading success is choosing the right trading hours. The reason for this is that there are times when liquidity is low. Therefore, it is quite dangerous for novice traders. In fact, taking...
Timeframes are one of the key factors that determine trading success. The reason for this is that each timeframe has its own trading style and risks. For example, short trading sessions. (minute or daily) tends to be...
Money is not the main source of happiness. But at least having money on hand can make you feel a little safer. Because you don't need to be confused when there is an urgent need. ...
Candlesticks are one of the most widely used indicators for trading considerations. The reason is that this indicator can record price movements and trading volumes at the same time. Therefore, it is very useful to consider trading...