Friday, April 26, 2024
Did you know that the price of 1.5 liters of drinking water in Saudi Arabia is around Rp 8,300 per bottle? Yes! You can buy the same product in Indonesia for about half the price or 3000-4500...
in the country's macroeconomic management Governments implement at least two types of policies: fiscal policy and monetary policy. Although both policies aim to address the country's economic problems, but in reality These two policies...
As is commonly known that microeconomicsPrices of goods and services are determined using the mechanism of supply and demand (supply and demand). When supply and demand curves intersect. That is the point at which the price and...
You want to buy shares of a foreign company. Especially in the United States, such as Apple, Microsoft or Google? If yes, then you need to understand what the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is...
Did you know that many economics courses at different campuses? In Indonesia, strong mathematical and statistical skills are required. Therefore, it is not surprising that many The campus offers new students the opportunity to major...
Although GDP, GNI and per capita income are the key indicators in macroeconomics A country, but all three, do not set overall economic goals, including the welfare of its citizens. Simply put, a high per capita income does...
In the study of economics, there are normative conditions and positive economics. Although both are branches of economics and aim to provide appropriate policy advice to policymakers, they are not. But both of these are different....
One of the disadvantages of calculating economic growth as a value of GDP per capita is the fact that the indicator does not take economic inequality into account. As mentioned in the previous article, if in 1 village...
Besides GDP, one of the country's economic indicators that is often reported in the media is GDP per capita. Both GDP and GDP per capita are used as indicators of social welfare in a country. What is...
in economics The components of a company's operating costs are calculated and analyzed using various variables. It aims to generate comprehensive and effective analytical results for decision making. The variables of cost analysis are total cost...