Friday, April 26, 2024
Have you ever heard the word money laundering or money laundering? even called money laundering. But that doesn't mean this exchanger is washed with washing machine and detergent. Okay! money laundering activities or money laundering...
You want to buy shares of a foreign company. Especially in the United States, such as Apple, Microsoft or Google? If yes, then you need to understand what the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is...
In the previous article, Investbro has already mentioned this. What is inflation? and how it affects the economy as a whole The article states that the inflation rate (In contrast to deflation) is a common phenomenon...
news page compass On November 18, 2022, it was announced that the Ministry of Manpower had set a 10% increase in the maximum UMR by 2023. On the one hand, this policy was a supportive community need. ...
in an article about monetary policyIn conclusion, to deal with rising inflation. interest rate (interest rate) must also be increased. The hope is that more people will save so that the amount in circulation decreases and...

What is factoring?

debtor is asset or assets of the second most liquid company (easily settled), second only to cash (cash) and cash equivalents When there are short-term debts that are collected while cash and cash equivalents are insufficient...
One way to succeed in business is to know the type of market or industry you are exposed to. Because each type of market has its own characteristics. and as a businessman You should take...
Have you ever imagined that an office of 3×7 meters (house type 21) is occupied by 100 people to do their work? Instead of working efficiently, 100 people would not be able to move freely due to...
in discussion of inflationIt can be concluded that, in general, a simultaneous controlled increase in the price of goods (inflation) is a sign that the economy is doing well. The reason is when economic conditions are good. Many people...
One of the challenges for governments of countries with large populations and predominantly youth, such as Indonesia, is to expand employment opportunities in order to optimize the potential of these young people. However, labor market conditionslabor market) in...