
Co-operatives are one of the business entities that have existed in Indonesia for a long time. First established in 1895 by Raden Ngabei Aria Wiriaatmadja, its existence continues to this day. The cooperative is well received by the people of Indonesia.

You may have been a member of a cooperative. There are many types of cooperatives in Indonesia. Do you know them? If not, here are the types of cooperatives in Indonesia along with examples to add some insight into this business entity. Check more in this article!

1. Savings Cooperative

Of course, the first type of cooperative is familiar because it is easily seen in everyday life: savings and loan cooperatives. This type of business operates by serving members who want to save or borrow money. The definition of a savings and loan cooperative is regulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation (PJOK) No. 5 of 2014 on Business Conduct for Microfinance Financial Institutions.

savings and loan cooperative There are two sources of funding. The first fund comes from members’ savings. Since compulsory savings principal savings Grants to voluntary savings Another source is corporate loan funds.

The main goal of the savings and loan cooperative is the welfare of its members. Therefore, these types of institutions are only allowed to give credit to their members. Therefore, external members cannot apply for credit.

Examples of savings and loan cooperatives in Indonesia include:

  • KPS (Market Cooperatives) is an example of a savings and loan cooperative managed by a market officer. Its presence is quite important for the sustainability and fulfillment of traders’ needs. KPS also plays a role in consolidating different types of work. in the market together, such as traders, parking workers, construction workers Public transport drivers, etc.
  • KKD (Credit Cooperative) is an example of a KSP that is in a smaller environment such as in arisan. The rules are usually more family friendly and aim to help members who are in economic hardship.
  • KSU (Multi-Business Cooperative) is often situated in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city. Its existence caters to urban communities to meet the growing demands of urban life.
  • KUD (Village Unit Savings Cooperative) is a type of KSP that usually exists in villages. It is usually managed and supported by the village government for the welfare of the village community.

2. Service cooperatives

In addition to KSP, there are also service cooperatives. Service cooperatives provide various services that members need. This type is quite common in Indonesia. Of course, with the services most cooperative members need.

in this type of cooperative You cannot carry out savings and borrowing activities. Because this type of institution is a non-savings and borrowing institution. Therefore, all services can be provided except savings and credit services. to see the picture more clearly This is an example of a service cooperative in Indonesia.

  • Several photocopy service cooperatives have been established in Indonesia. This one-stop service cooperative offers photocopying and office supplies. They are often present in school or campus environments and office buildings.
  • Insurance service cooperatives are future health and education services. This cooperative makes it easier for members and non-members to receive. insurance guarantee.
  • Transport cooperatives are a type of business institution that are quite important to both urban and rural communities as they bring together members who provide different types of transport services. mode of transport.

3. Production cooperatives

Transitioning from service cooperatives Production cooperatives are no less well known in Indonesia. A production cooperative is a type of business organization that brings together people working as producers. Therefore, members act as employees of business institutions. At the same time, the role of a cooperative is to support the goods produced by its members. Generally, there is no restriction on the products that must be sold. As long as you don’t sell items that are not authorized by the state.

You may have seen tofu or tempeh production cooperatives. This is now an example that you can observe in your daily life. Basically, this cooperative is an intermediary in sales and the profits are used for the welfare of its members.

The purpose of having a production cooperative is to help producers sell their produce at a better price. In addition to that, it brings together one trader and another to harmonize with each other and strengthen the economy. Do not hustle each other, hustle others.

Examples of manufacturing cooperatives in Indonesia that you can find include:

  • cooperative craft productionIt is a source of handicraft traders. Because Indonesia has a diverse culture. It is no wonder that many artisans work every day to produce unique and interesting handicrafts.
  • Livestock Cooperative In addition to handicrafts It also produces livestock products such as natural fertilizers, feathers, eggs, livestock and milk. Farms may be chicken, goat, sheep or cow, depending on the majority of the surrounding community’s livestock.
  • Agricultural cooperatives which are not new to Indonesian society. Indonesia being an agricultural country makes the majority of the population employed as farmers. Agricultural cooperatives always strive to meet the needs of their members. starting from the supply of fertilizers latest knowledge in agriculture and sales of their products There are many successful farmers who started out as members of cooperatives.

4. Consumption cooperatives

Finally, the type of cooperatives that exist in Indonesia are consumption cooperatives. A consumption cooperative is a type of cooperative that provides goods or services that its members need. If a producer cooperative works by buying and selling goods produced by its members Thus, the way consumption cooperatives work is to supply the goods the members want.

The formation of this cooperative is funded by members’ savings, with profits returned to the members. Because the main goal is the welfare of the members. Normally, the goods sold in consumption cooperatives are basic commodities that are needed in daily life.

Here are some easy-to-find consumption cooperatives:

  1. school cooperative school cooperative It is one example of a consumption cooperative. The business in this school provides school supplies, uniforms or various snacks which are the needs of the school people. if at basic level These school cooperatives often transact with instruments other than money to provide greater security.
  2. student cooperative It’s almost like a school cooperative. This single business caters to the diverse needs of students, from food, beverages, features, alma mater and more. Students can usually get vouchers or buy essential items at the co-op. But the amount depends on each campus policy.
  3. The WFB Cooperatives, businesses that finally meet the needs of government officials, are consumption cooperatives. Members who are civil servants usually receive special discounts on purchases at businesses.

Here are some types of cooperatives in Indonesia and examples. Now you know what type of co-op you need to be a member of, right? Convenience and well-being that is unfortunately missed. You can select members as you wish.


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