
A new option began to appear tested Microsoft in Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25309where on the Settings > Personalizations > Start page, later the user will get the option ‘show recommendations for tips, shortcuts, new apps, and more‘, which the user can set to display or not.

This option is currently being tested internally, but if you want it to appear, you can activate ID 42916428 using ViveTool.

Now with this option activated, later the Start Menu will have more recommended content from Microsoft, whether it’s a newly added application, a file that the user has in the cloud, or other things, but what is certain is that this option is expected not to be an option that will expand the spread of advertisements presented by Microsoft in Windows 11, considering that this company has advertised their other products quite often on their latest Windows operating system.

If this option was present, would you enable it? comment below guys.

Via : PhantomOfEarth (Twitter)


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