
As we already know, Microsoft is starting to change design of a number of important sections Windows 11 operating system, where if the previous one still carries Windows 10 design style, has now been updated to be more modern in the style of Windows 11 itself.

The changes that have now begun to be presented include changes rename this pc, date and timepicker, reset this pc and now the latest is Windows Rollback Dialog.

The picture above, that is Windows rollback dialog or we are also familiar with the ‘Go back to earlier build’ dialog where the appearance is still the same as what was present in Windows 10 for a long time.

And the picture above is the change made to Windows 11 Insider Dev 25247, where now the appearance will follow the theme (light/dark) of Windows 11 that users are using.

But friends, even so, this change is currently still in testing where only users who activate it via ViveTool will get this change.

And if you are curious and want to change this view, for you Windows Server 2022 Build 25247 or Windows 11 Insider Dev 25247 users, you can try using the following command:

Step 1. Please download ViveTool via the GitHub page following.

Step 2. Then please extract and open Windows Terminal and enter the ViveTool Directory that you extracted earlier.

Step 3. Finally, please enter the following commands sequentially.

vivetool /enable /id:36390579
vivetool /enable /id:41670003

After it’s finished, please open it again Windows Update > Advanced Options > Recovery > Go backand you will find the changes you have made.

via: @PhantomofEarth (Twitter)


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