
As we know, China is one of the countries that actively use it search engine Baidu which was developed in that country, even if users in other countries prefer Google or other search engines.

Now regarding this matter, there is an interesting report present from Statcounter, which is based on data their survey in April 2023, Baidu users on Desktop fell to 27.01% whereby it dropped to number 2 in desktop search engine marketshare.

Meanwhile, the first position is now taken over by Bing with a total value of 37.4% in Desktop Search Engine Marketshare. This increase is expected because Bing has Bing Chat which is quite popular among users, because besides now users can use it for free without having to log in using a Microsoft account first, Bing has a relatively good level of chatbot response in the eyes of users.

So, meanwhile, Baidu, which was previously reported to be developing their own AI Chatbot, has not received any further news so far.

Then what about Google’s fate in Desktop Search Engine Marketshare in China? As seen in the image above, Google seems to have a level of popularity that is quite far behind compared to its local rivals, Sogou and Haosou, where Google only has about 3.36%.

via: Statcounter


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