
There is no doubt that Bing Chat is quite popular because not only can it find us something but Bing Chat can make holiday schedules, cooking recipes and other things based on what users request, and of the many features available, there is one feature that users ask for a lot, namely the ability to save the results of conversations in Bing Chat.

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Regarding this matter, Mikhail Parakhin who also works as Microsoft’s head of Advertising and Web Services and also his team is reportedly currently working on this much-requested capability, this was confirmed by Mikhail himself in his tweet.

With this capability, of course later users can save the results of the conversation without having to take a screenshot on the conversation screen, even though the details are currently out what will it be like the storage option is still closed and not yet available, but it would be very interesting if later the conversation results would be stored like history in our account.

So what do you think about this feature that is currently being made? comment below guys and give your opinions and opinions in the comments column below.

Via : Mikhail Parakhin (Twitter)


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