
In a report on the official Twitter account @MSEdgeDevMicrosoft explains about how many features sleeping tabs reduce resource usage on Windows devices in the last 28 days.

As you can see above, according to Microsoft, at least in the last 28 days, this feature has saved about 273.7 Petabytes of RAM Usage from all Windows devices that use this feature, and of course this number is very large, because if calculated roughly, there are at least 39.1 Mb of RAM saved/opened tabs.

The News That Becomes the Contra

Well, although this news is good news from Microsoft, unfortunately it also gets a negative response from users, because after all, Microsoft retrieves data from users’ browsers, including browsing data to calculate values ​​as in the tweet above.

What do you think? comment below guys. Are you a user of the Sleeping Tabs feature?

Via : Microsoft


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