
Saving money in the bank is the safest way to save money. Because there is already a good security system and has been certified by the government. In addition to offering this Saving money in the bank also has other advantages. many more for customers

So how to save money at banks like BNI, BCA, Mandiri and others and what are the benefits? Check out the full explanation in the following discussion.

How to save money in the bank

For those of you who are planning to open an account for the first time. You might still be confused about how to open an account. Follow the instructions for recording at BRI, BNI, Mandiri, BCA and other banks below.

1. Prepare your personal data

The most important requirement is the provision of personal data. Personal data will be in the form of National Identity Card (KTP), Student/Student Card. Mobile phone number, family card, or possibly other additions. According to the terms of the administrator as a condition for saving at the destination bank

It is best to take a copy of your personal information before coming to the branch office. This is because the information will be requested by Customer Service as an administrative requirement.

It’s also important to note that you should also know their savings products. The existence of this savings product can adjust your savings needs and goals.

2. Prepare cash for first deposit according to bank regulations.

In addition, the requirement for saving at BRI or other banks is that you must remember to prepare cash. Using cash as an initial deposit for your new account later

There are usually special requirements for the amount to be deposited according to each policy. How to save money at Bank Mandiri or others, just prepare cash at least Rp. 250,000 to Rp. 500,000 if in doubt about the name. You should first read the terms of opening a new account on the official website.

3. Come to the destination bank

If all documents and first deposit are prepared To save at bank, BNI or others, please go directly to the destination bank at the nearest branch office. Make sure you come to the branch office during working hours and working days. which should be given early in the morning If you don’t want other customers queuing for a long time

When you arrive, the security guard will usually greet you and give you a queue number. Tell security that you want to open a new account so that later you will receive the form immediately.

This is not necessary if you want to save at online banking which must be registered online only

4. Fill out the form completely and correctly.

Received the form after getting the queue number. NextHow to Save at BNI and Other Banks in indonesia is to fill out the form correctly and completely Also, be more careful when filling out.

Remember to pay attention to the required and unfilled fields. If there is still confusion You can ask the security personnel to do it later.

5. Enable Mobile Banking Feature

After filling out the form Please wait to call the queue number. When calling customer service on the number with the completed form, cash and personal information.

Explain to customer service that you want to open an account. CS will ask for personal information and confirm the information. Then request cash as an initial deposit. if approved Follow the recording procedure at BRI or another bank to open a new account. Or listen to CS’s commentary on selected savings products.

The process is complete. After that, it is recommended that you enable it. Mobile Banking Features by customer service The existence of this feature is very easy in terms of transactions. So there’s no harm in activating it. Follow the activation steps carefully.

When everything is done, you will receive an ATM card and a savings book. You can now perform various transactions through mobile banking and ATMs.

The advantages of saving in the bank

After knowing how to save money at Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI, etc., know the benefits. here is the description

1. Money is safer

The advantage of saving money in a bank is that it is safer to keep your money than using a traditional piggy bank. Store them under pillows, mugs, etc., as security is guaranteed. Therefore, it is very unlikely that your money will disappear for no apparent reason.

all state bank in indonesia Insured by LPS and maintained by OJK for safe savings.

Imagine if you kept the tradition. In addition to not necessarily being safe because there is a chance of being harassed by someone. are also easier to scatter resulting in easy loss

2. Useful in the form of interest and profit sharing

Who said saving money in the bank? The management fee will be high and the balance will be reduced all the time? In fact, the benefits of saving in the bank are profit in interest and profit sharing (Islam)

Although the interest rate can not be said that much. but quite good So why are you still in doubt? If you don’t want to be charged a monthly administrative fee, you should choose Save on product cost, no admin fee at all

3. Transactions can be made easier.

When traditionally recorded The transaction process is rarely useful. Because you have to carry cash everywhere. It will be different if you save money in the bank. The transaction process is much easier. Because this can be done through an ATM machine or almost with a mobile phone.

not only that If you have a balance in your account You can use it for cashless transactions later. Existence of EDC engine technology QR Code, virtual account and others can help make all kinds of transactions easier.

4. have a chance to win prizes

Still hesitating to do it? In fact, the benefit of saving money in the bank means that you also have a chance to win some prizes. The existence of this opportunity is usually in the form of a lottery or follow-up. event something the bank holds

5. More financial management planning

Another benefit of saving money in the bank is that it makes managing your finances more planned. because it is very useful about income and expenses control There is even a transaction limit.

Especially when using mobile banking where you can check your balance anywhere, 24 hours a day, knowing how much money has been spent and saving money in the account can be very helpful. Not to be wasted due to the convenience of virtual transactions.

6. Practice

The benefits of saving in banks are very practical. Because you don’t have to carry cash everywhere or be overly careful. You can withdraw anytime through an ATM machine and find your balance instantly. This method is more practical than traditional storage.

Questions about how to save money at the bank

If you still have questions about how to record at BRI, BCA, Mandiri, etc? Hope the answers to the points below can help.

What do you carry with you when you save money in the bank?

When you want to save and open an account at the bank for the first time Bring complete concrete documents such as ID card, family card, driver’s license, student/student card. (If there is no ID card) card). Also, bring the slightly reconditioned cash to the receiving bank.

How much should I save?

One requirement for saving at BRI and other banks is that you remember to bring cash as an initial deposit. The amount to be taken as an initial deposit depends on the relevant destination bank. You can read the terms directly on the official website or official social media accounts.

Why is saving money in the bank more profitable?

More profitable because interest and profit share are added. Although the amount is not much but considered acceptable

How to use savings in bank tips?

The secret to use is to make all kinds of transactions as smart as you want. Create separate accounts Then allocate some of your salary or income to another account for savings. This can be very helpful in managing your savings properly.

Hope this explanation helps!


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