
When we open File Explorer > This PC, we will get a display drive space indicator bar which is present under the Drive label that we have, for example as shown in the following image.

Now, this indicator is indeed useful, but what if we want to remove the display so that the Drive display becomes even simpler? You can, and it turns out the method is quite easy.

Curious? The following WinPoin summarizes the short steps to hide the Drive Space Indicator Bar in File Explorer Windows 11.

*Here I am using Windows 11 22H2 (Tiny11) as an experiment, and you should be able to do this on other Windows 11 versions.

Step 1. First, please open the Registry Editor.

Step 2. Then please enter and navigate to:


Well next, please you double click in section TileInfo.

Step 3. Then in the Value data section, please replace it with the following values:


If it’s done, please click OK and close the Registry Editor, and now you get the changes, the result is that File Explorer will display the Drive on This PC as shown in the following image.

So how easy isn’t it? If you want to return it back, in the previous step, please fill in the Value Data with:


Which became the default of our previous system. So, please try it guys and hopefully it’s useful.


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