
As we know, the design of the flyout in Windows 10 looks sharp and square, be it the volume flyout, brightness, and so on. For example, as in the following image.

Now if you want to change the flyout design with a more modern look in the style of Windows 11, there is a cool application that you can try on the Microsoft Store, its name is ModernFlyouts.

Now the changes with the application will more or less be like in the picture above, and let’s try to install this application.

To download the app ModernFlyoutsyou can click on the link followingthen you will be directed to the Microsoft Store page.

Next, let’s install as usual. A little information, this application has a size of about 71 Mb when processing download and 182 Mb when installed.

After the application is installed and you open it, the Windows 10 default Flyout has now been replaced with a more modern Flyout as shown in the following image.

Supported Flyouts?

Well besides Volume, there are a number of flyouts supported by this application, which include:

  • Audio Flyout
  • Media session Flyout
  • Airplane Mode
  • Brightness
  • Scroll Lock
  • Number Lock
  • Caps lock
  • Insert / Overtype mode

So how cool and easy isn’t it? please try guys, for RAM usage the app itself isn’t too big, and only uses about 50 Mb of RAM, so if you’re using 8 GB of RAM it shouldn’t be a problem.


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