
Mozilla has recently released a new version of Firefox 101, where in this version there are a number of improvements that are presented, and one of them is now in Firefox 101, the download prompt which was removed in Firefox 97 has been brought back by default.

Regarding this download prompt, although on Firefox 98 you can Restoring Old Firefox Download Prompt with a few quick tricks, but the ability has not been brought back by default, and the good news, after version 101 was released, this ability is now default to the browser without having to take any extra steps to activate it.

As in the picture above, the options Ask whether to open or save files now it exists and can be re-selected by the user.

Apart from bringing improvements to the download prompt, there are a number of other improvements to Firefox 101, which Firefox 101 now includes support for multiple microphones when doing video conferencing and the presence of magnifier for forms on Android versions 9 and higher, in addition to that Firefox now supports prefers-contrast media queries, which allows sites to detect whether a user has requested higher or lower contrast web content.

For developers, especially for web developers, where some additional information about new features in Firefox 101 you can see in the changelog following.

So what do you think? do you like this improvement in Firefox 101? comment below guys.

Via : Neowin


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