
Over the past few weeks, we have been constantly getting information and news from AI development, especially Bing Chat, where this technology is now quite viral for users to use, especially with its rival Bard, which seems not ready for Google to launch.

Now regarding AI, recently DuckDuckGo was one of them search engines who rely on privacy security for these users also seem to follow in the footsteps of Microsoft, Google and Baidu, where they are now introduce DuckAssist who became their own Generative AI.

According to DuckDuckGo or SpreadPrivacy, DuckAssist is the first in a series of AI Assisted Privacy Search where users don’t need to log in and of course prioritize user privacy.

DuckAssist is also said to be helping users to find answers in search results on DuckDuckGo, which includes articles, news, maps, weather and many other things. DuckAssist is also fully integrated into search engines DuckDuckGo and also available in the same Extension.

DuckAssist itself is currently in beta and still in limited testing, however it is likely that this testing will be extended to all users in the near future.

DuckAssist Is Anonymous

One of the highlights of DuckAssist is that DuckAssist is anonymous, where users don’t need to log in to use it, apart from being anonymous, this service is also free for users to use.

Meanwhile, the workings of this AI technology are more or less similar to Bing Chat and ChatGPT, where DuckAssist is a generative AI designed to generate text in response to any command, regardless of whether it is ‘know’ answer or not. In addition, this DuckAssist only summarizes the information available on Wikipedia and other related sources.

Then why Wikipedia?, according to its official announcement page, DuckDuckGo sourced Wikipedia because over the years, Wikipedia has been the main source for Instant answers from DuckDuckGo’s “Knowledge Graph” and even though they know that Wikipedia is not perfect, Wikipedia is relatively reliable across a wide range of subjects , because Wikipedia is a public resource with a transparent editorial process quoting all sources used in an article.

If you want to give it a try, for now, DuckAssist beta is only available in English on the DuckDuckGo app ( iOS , Androids And mac ) and browser extensions ( Firefox , chrome And Safari ). If the pilot goes well, the company plans to roll it out to all users of the DuckDuckGo Search Engine soon.

So what do you think about this DuckAssist, comment below guys.

via: DuckDuckGo


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